Boise's Real Estate Rollercoaster: Data-Driven Insights into the Cooling Market

Welcome to the thrilling ride of Boise's real estate rollercoaster! If you're a data enthusiast who's curious about the latest trends in the Boise housing market, you've come to the right place. As temperatures heat up, the once-sizzling local real estate scene is cooling. In this post, we'll dive deep into the numbers to uncover the factors behind this shift and shed light on what it means for buyers, sellers, and investors alike. So, buckle up and get ready for a data-driven adventure as we explore the twists and turns of the cooling Boise housing market!

I. Introduction

A. Overview of Boise's real estate market trends

B. The importance of data-driven insights in understanding the cooling market

II. Historical Perspective

A. Boise's housing market boom

B. Key factors driving the rapid growth

C. Signs of a cooling market

III. Data-Driven Analysis of the Cooling Market

A. Market indicators signaling a slowdown

1. Home prices

2. Inventory levels

3. Days on the market

B. Economic factors influencing the market

1. Interest rates

2. Employment trends

3. Local policies and regulations

IV. Impact of the Cooling Market on Buyers, Sellers, and Investors

A. Pros and cons for buyers

B. Challenges and opportunities for sellers

C. Implications for real estate investors

V. Comparing Boise's Cooling Market to Other Cities

A. Similar trends in other U.S. cities

B. Unique aspects of Boise's real estate market

VI. Projections and Predictions for the Future

A. Expert opinions on the direction of Boise's housing market

B. Data-driven forecasts for the short and long term

VII. Conclusion

A. Recap of key findings from the data analysis

Overview of Boise's real estate market trends

Boise Idaho! The great potato state! Known for its affordable housing and slower pace of life; Boise has experienced a crazy housing market transformation in recent years. As people flocked to this city in search of a better quality of life, the real estate market responded with skyrocketing demand and soaring home prices. This growth was further fueled by a combination of factors, including a strong job market, low-interest rates (more on that later), and a reputation for being one of America's most livable cities.

However, as with any rollercoaster ride, there are ups and downs. In recent months, the Boise housing market has shown signs of slowing down, a phenomenon that has piqued the curiosity of data lovers and real estate aficionados alike. While it's too soon to declare a full reversal of the boom, there's no denying that the market's temperature is beginning to cool.

To put this in context, the Boise housing market is currently somewhat competitive. People are still moving here! Homes in Boise receive an average of 3 offers and sell in around 56 days according to the data. The median sale price of a home in Boise was $475K last month, down 8.6% since last year. This figure is evolving daily. The median sale price per square foot in Boise is $269, down 14.9% since last year according to

To better understand this, we'll need to dive deep into the data, examining the key indicators and trends that have defined the Boise Idaho (Ada County) real estate market in recent years. By doing so, we'll gain invaluable insights into the factors contributing to the cooling market and explore the potential implications for buyers, sellers, and investors in the area. So, let's embark on this data-driven journey to uncover the secrets behind the changing landscape of Boise's housing market.

$115,000 DROP. BOISE IDAHO. Housing MARKET Update.

The Importance of Data-Driven Insights in Understanding the Cooling Market

As the Boise housing market experiences a cooling phase, it becomes increasingly important for those involved in the real estate market – be it buyers, sellers, or investors – to rely on data-driven insights to navigate this shifting landscape. By analyzing the numbers and trends, we can uncover the underlying forces contributing to the market's slowdown, enabling informed decision-making and a deeper understanding of the current market dynamics.

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for more info! Make sure to subscribe. Does history repeat itself? The data can reveal patterns that could have been overlooked or undervalued, such as the impact of interest rate (3%-7%) fluctuations, employment rates, or local policies on the market. These factors can play a role in determining the level of demand for housing and the trajectory of home prices in Boise, Idaho.

Additionally, data-driven insights can help to dispel common misconceptions and provide a more accurate representation of the market. This is especially important in times of market transition when rumors and speculations can easily sway public opinion. By grounding our understanding of the Boise housing market in the hard facts and figures, we can cut through the noise and focus on the key trends that matter most.

Furthermore, the use of data-driven insights allows for more targeted and effective strategies for those looking to buy, sell, or invest in the Boise real estate market. For buyers, understanding the market trends can help identify the right time to enter the market. While sellers can use this information to effectively price and market their homes. Investors can also benefit from data analysis, as it enables them to identify emerging opportunities and areas with the most potential for growth.

In short, data-driven insights are crucial for navigating the cooling Boise housing market and real estate in general. By analyzing the numbers and trends, we can make more informed decisions and better understand the forces shaping the market's future. With this knowledge in hand, we'll be better equipped to tackle the challenges and seize the opportunities that lie ahead.

Boise's Housing Market Boom

Before we dive into the cooling phase of the Boise housing market, let's take a step back and revisit the incredible boom that put this idyllic city on the real estate map. Over the past several years, Boise has experienced a rapid surge in housing demand, with home prices reaching unprecedented heights. This remarkable growth has been fueled by a confluence of factors that transformed Boise into a real estate hotspot.

  1. Population Growth: One of the main drivers behind Boise's housing market boom has been the steady influx of new residents. People from all over the country, particularly from higher-cost states like California, have been drawn to the city's high quality of life, outdoor recreational opportunities, and comparatively low cost of living. This population growth has put significant pressure on the housing market, driving up demand and pushing home prices higher.

  2. Job Market Expansion: Boise has witnessed a robust job market. With a diverse array of industries contributing to the city's economic growth. From tech startups to established corporations, businesses have been drawn to the region's skilled workforce, business-friendly policies, and lower operating costs. As a result, the city has seen an increase in job opportunities, attracting even more new residents and further fueling the housing boom.

  3. Low-Interest Rates: During the peak of Boise's housing market boom, historically low-interest rates played a pivotal role in driving demand. With cheaper borrowing costs, more people were able to afford a mortgage, which in turn led to increased competition for homes and contributed to the rising prices.

  4. Limited Housing Supply: Compounding the demand-driven price growth was the limited supply of available homes in the Boise area. A combination of factors, including land scarcity, construction labor shortages, and rising building material costs has made it challenging to keep up with the growing demand for housing. This supply-demand imbalance has been a significant contributor to the rapid escalation of home prices during the boom.

(TOP 3) Things to KNOW about BOISE, IDAHO.

Key Factors Driving the Rapid Growth in Boise (ADA County)

As we've seen, Boise's housing market experienced a tremendous boom in recent years. While we've touched on some of the factors that contributed to this rapid growth, it's worth delving deeper into each of these elements to better understand their impact on the market.

Where are people moving to Boise from? Across the nation, 0.47% of homebuyers searched to move into Boise from outside metros. Los Angeles homebuyers searched to move into Boise more than any other metro followed by San Francisco and Seattle.

Boise Migration & Relocation Trends

In Jan '23 - Mar '23, 29% of Boise homebuyers searched to move out of Boise, while 71% looked to stay within the metropolitan area.

  1. Migration Trends: The influx of new residents into Boise has been a significant driver of the housing market boom. Many of these newcomers were seeking an escape from congested urban centers and high living costs. The appealing blend of affordable housing, good job opportunities, and a family-friendly atmosphere made Boise an attractive destination for people from various backgrounds. This population growth created a surge in demand for homes, contributing to the rise in home prices.

  2. Strong Local Economy: A thriving local economy played a crucial role in bolstering Boise's housing market. The city has attracted a range of businesses across sectors, such as technology, healthcare, and manufacturing, providing stable employment opportunities for both newcomers and long-time residents. A strong economy not only attracts more people to the area but also instills confidence in the real estate market, prompting people to invest in homes.

  3. Housing Affordability: Relative to other regions, particularly the more expensive coastal cities, Boise's housing market initially offered better affordability. This comparative advantage drew people looking for more reasonably priced homes and a lower cost of living. However, as demand increased, so too did home prices, gradually eroding some of the city's affordability edge.

  4. Favorable Financing Conditions: The low-interest-rate environment during the boom years encouraged many prospective homebuyers to enter the market, taking advantage of favorable financing conditions. As more people sought mortgages, competition for available homes intensified, leading to bidding wars and driving up prices even further.

  5. Limited Inventory: As mentioned earlier, the limited housing supply in Boise exacerbated the upward pressure on home prices. The combination of land constraints, construction challenges, and a slow response to the surging demand resulted in a tight housing market, where buyers had limited options and were willing to pay premium prices to secure a home.

In conclusion, the key factors driving the rapid growth of Boise's housing market included migration trends, a strong local economy, housing affordability, favorable financing conditions, and limited inventory. Each of these elements played a significant role in propelling the city's real estate market to new heights. However, as we'll explore in subsequent sections, the market has started to cool, warranting a closer examination of the data and trends behind this shift.

Adjusting to the New Market Reality: What the Latest Data Tells Us

As the Boise housing market continues to cool, it's essential to stay informed about the latest data and trends shaping the local real estate landscape. Let's take a closer look at the recent market updates and what they mean for buyers, sellers, and investors:

  1. Median Sales Price: In February, the median sales price of homes in Ada County was $492,115, down 10.5% year-over-year, marking the fourth consecutive month of annual price decline. However, this figure also represents a slight increase of around $5,000 from the previous month's median sales price. This month-over-month uptick may suggest that the market is beginning to stabilize, with prices reaching a new normal.

  2. New Construction Sales: Over 40% of all home sales in February were new homes, which typically sell for more than existing or resale homes. The higher-than-average share of new construction sales likely contributed to the slight increase in overall sales price compared to the previous month.

  3. Total Sales: With 613 total sales in Ada County, closings were 7.3% lower than the same month last year. This decline is the first time since June 2022 that we didn't see double-digit annual decreases in the number of sales.

  4. Market Times: Homes that closed in February spent an average of 78 days on the market before going under contract. This is the highest number of days on market (DOM) since February 2012. However, other metrics indicate that the current market conditions are quite different from those in 2012.

  5. Inventory: Inventory levels at the end of February 2023 were roughly half of what they were in February 2012, when the market was recovering from the housing bubble burst. In today's market, home prices are primarily driven by supply and demand rather than speculation, as was the case leading up to the Great Recession.

  6. Distressed Sales: In February 2023, only 0.3% of sales in Ada County were considered distressed, compared to 45.4% in February 2012. This drastic difference highlights that today's sellers are in a much better credit position than they were over a decade ago, resulting in fewer distressed sales.

Market data provided by Boise Regional REALTORS®

Market data provided by Boise Regional REALTORS®

In light of these market updates, sellers should work closely with their real estate agents to price their homes according to the current market conditions and determine the most effective marketing strategy as the market adjusts. Meanwhile, buyers now have more negotiation power, more time to decide, and more options to choose from than in recent history. With 1,039 homes available at the end of February, compared to 493 for the same month last year, buyers have a wider selection to consider. First-time buyers can also explore down payment assistance programs and Idaho First-Time Home Buyer savings accounts to maximize their down payment savings.

As the Boise housing market continues to evolve, staying up-to-date with the latest data and trends is crucial for making informed decisions, whether you're a buyer, seller, or investor. By understanding the current market dynamics, you'll be better equipped to navigate the changing landscape and capitalize on the opportunities it presents.

Data-Driven Analysis of the Cooling Market

As we've discussed, the Boise housing market has started to cool after a period of rapid growth. Several market indicators are now pointing towards a slowdown, which can help buyers, sellers, and investors make informed decisions as they navigate the changing landscape. Let's explore some of these key market indicators:

  1. Declining Annual Price Growth: One of the most significant signs of a slowdown is the declining annual price growth in the Boise housing market. As mentioned earlier, the median sales price of homes in Ada County has been decreasing for four consecutive months. This reduction in price appreciation signals a shift in the market dynamics, with prices beginning to stabilize.

  2. Rising Inventory Levels: As more homes become available for sale, buyers have a wider selection to choose from, reducing the competitive pressure that previously drove up prices. The increasing inventory levels in Boise indicate that the market is cooling, as supply begins to catch up with demand.

  3. Longer Days on the Market: Homes in Boise are spending more time on the market before going under contract. This increase in the average number of days on the market is another sign of a cooling market, as buyer demand starts to taper off.

  4. Reduced Sales Volume: The total number of home sales in Ada County has been decreasing, with closings 7.3% lower than the same month last year. This decline suggests that the market is slowing down, as buyers become more selective and take their time making decisions.

  5. Fewer Bidding Wars: With the market cooling, bidding wars have become less frequent, indicating a reduction in the intense competition that characterized the Boise housing market boom. As a result, buyers now have more room for negotiation and can be more strategic in their offers.

  6. Changes in Financing Conditions: As mortgage rates increase, borrowing becomes more expensive for prospective homebuyers, which can dampen demand and contribute to the cooling of the housing market. Paying close attention to financing conditions and their impact on buyer behavior is essential in understanding the market's trajectory.

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In summary, the market indicators signaling a slowdown in the Boise housing market include declining annual price growth, rising inventory levels, longer days on market, reduced sales volume, fewer bidding wars, and changes in financing conditions. By monitoring these indicators, buyers, sellers, and investors can gain valuable insights into the evolving market and adapt their strategies accordingly to capitalize on the opportunities presented by the shifting landscape.

Economic Factors Influencing the Market

The housing market is not only influenced by supply and demand dynamics but also by various economic factors that can impact its performance. In this section, we'll explore some of the key economic factors currently influencing the Boise housing market:

Boise Housing Market Trends

What is the housing market like in Boise today?

In February 2023, Boise home prices were down 8.6% compared to last year, selling for a median price of $475K. On average, homes in Boise sell after 68 days on the market compared to 11 days last year. There were 205 homes sold in February this year, down from 243 last year.

  1. Mortgage Rates: As previously mentioned, changes in mortgage rates can have a significant impact on buyer behavior. When rates are low, borrowing becomes more affordable, encouraging buyers to enter the market and driving up demand. Conversely, when rates increase, borrowing becomes more expensive, which can dampen demand and contribute to a cooling market.

  2. Employment and Income Growth: A strong local economy, characterized by steady job growth and rising incomes, can fuel demand for housing as more people are able to afford homes. However, if job growth stagnates or incomes decline, this can negatively impact the housing market, as fewer people have the financial means to purchase homes.

  3. Population Growth and Migration: Population growth and migration patterns can also influence the housing market. As more people move to Boise, the demand for housing increases, driving up prices. Conversely, if population growth slows or people begin to leave the area, this can lead to a decrease in housing demand and contribute to a cooling market.

  4. Housing Affordability: Affordability is a critical factor in the housing market, as it determines the extent to which people can afford to buy homes in a given area. When housing prices rise too quickly, they may outpace wage growth, making it difficult for potential buyers to enter the market. This can eventually lead to a cooling market, as demand for housing decreases.

  5. Government Policies and Regulations: Government policies and regulations can also impact the housing market. For example, changes to tax laws, lending standards, or zoning regulations can all influence buyer and seller behavior, as well as the overall health of the market. It's essential to stay informed about any relevant policy changes that could impact the Boise housing market.

  6. Consumer Confidence: The overall confidence of consumers in the economy can play a significant role in the housing market. When people feel optimistic about their financial prospects, they are more likely to purchase homes, driving up demand. On the other hand, if consumer confidence declines, this can lead to a decrease in housing demand and contribute to a cooling market.

In conclusion, various economic factors, such as mortgage rates, employment and income growth, population growth and migration, housing affordability, government policies and regulations, and consumer confidence, can all influence the Boise housing market. Understanding the interplay between these factors can provide valuable insights into the market's trajectory, helping buyers, sellers, and investors make informed decisions as they navigate the evolving landscape.

Impact of the Cooling Market on Buyers, Sellers, and Investors

As the Boise housing market continues to cool, it's essential to understand how these changes may affect different parties in the real estate ecosystem. In this section, we'll discuss the potential impact of the cooling market on buyers, sellers, and investors, providing insights into how each group can adapt its strategies to the shifting landscape.

A. Buyers

For buyers, a cooling market brings several advantages, including:

  1. More Options: With increased inventory levels, buyers have a wider selection of properties to choose from, allowing them to find a home that better suits their needs and preferences.

  2. Less Competition: The reduced demand for homes means buyers are less likely to face intense bidding wars, giving them more room for negotiation and potentially securing better deals.

  3. Longer Decision-Making Time: As homes spend more time on the market, buyers have the luxury of taking their time to make well-informed decisions without feeling pressured to act quickly.

  4. Better Financing Opportunities: In a cooler market, lenders may offer more attractive loan terms to encourage borrowing, which can benefit buyers looking to secure a mortgage.

B. Sellers

Sellers may need to adjust their strategies in a cooling market to maximize their returns, including:

  1. Accurate Pricing: With less demand, it's crucial for sellers to price their homes competitively, taking into account current market conditions and comparable properties in the area.

  2. Effective Marketing: Standing out in a market with more inventory requires effective marketing strategies to attract potential buyers, such as professional photography, virtual tours, and targeted advertising.

  3. Flexibility in Negotiations: Sellers may need to be more flexible when it comes to negotiating with buyers, considering concessions like covering closing costs or offering repair credits to secure a sale.

  4. Patience: In a cooler market, sellers should be prepared for longer wait times before receiving an offer and be patient during the sales process.

C. Investors

For real estate investors, a cooling market can present both challenges and opportunities:

  1. Opportunities for Bargain Hunting: With reduced demand and increased inventory, investors may find properties at lower prices, allowing them to secure better deals.

  2. Rental Market Shifts: As the housing market cools, rental demand may increase as potential homebuyers decide to rent instead of buy. Investors should monitor local rental market trends to capitalize on these opportunities.

  3. Diversification: In a cooler market, investors should consider diversifying their portfolios to mitigate risks, including investing in different property types, locations, or even exploring real estate investment trusts (REITs).

  4. Long-Term Strategy: Investors should maintain a long-term perspective in a cooling market, focusing on properties with strong fundamentals and growth potential, rather than seeking short-term gains.

In conclusion, the cooling Boise housing market presents a range of implications for buyers, sellers, and investors. By understanding these potential impacts and adjusting their strategies accordingly, each group can successfully navigate the changing landscape and make the most of the opportunities that arise.

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Comparing Boise's Cooling Market to Other Cities

While the cooling trend in Boise's housing market is undoubtedly significant, it's essential to put it into context by comparing it to the performance of other cities' housing markets. This comparison can provide valuable insights into how the Boise market is faring compared to other regions, and help buyers, sellers, and investors make informed decisions in the broader market context.

A. National Trends

Across the United States, many cities have experienced a similar cooling effect in their housing markets, following a period of rapid growth and skyrocketing prices. Some of the factors driving this trend include rising mortgage rates, increased inventory levels, and shifting economic conditions. By understanding these national trends, market participants in Boise can better gauge how their local market aligns with broader patterns.

U.S. Housing Market Overview

In February 2023, U.S. home prices were down 1.1% compared to last year, selling for a median price of $386,527. On average, the number of homes sold was down 22.1% year over year and there were 325,911 homes sold in February this year, down 418,390 homes sold in February last year. The national average 30 year fixed rate mortgage rate is at 6.3% and up 2.5 points year over year.

B. Regional Comparisons

Comparing Boise's cooling market to other cities in the region can provide insights into the specific factors impacting local markets. This comparison can reveal regional patterns, such as employment and income growth, population changes, and local government policies, that may be driving similar trends across multiple cities. Additionally, examining how other cities in the region are adapting to the cooling market can offer valuable lessons and strategies for Boise's market participants.

C. Similar-Sized Cities

Looking at the housing market trends in cities of similar size to Boise can offer insights into how comparable markets are responding to the cooling effect. By examining factors such as price trends, inventory levels, and days on market in cities with similar populations and economic conditions, market participants can identify potential opportunities or challenges that may be unique to cities of this size.

D. Outliers and Unique Cases

While it's essential to compare Boise's cooling market to other cities, it's also worth noting any unique outliers or cases that deviate from the general trends. These instances can provide valuable insights into how specific factors or conditions can dramatically impact a housing market. By studying these outliers, market participants in Boise can better prepare for potential unforeseen changes in their own market.

In conclusion, comparing Boise's cooling housing market to other cities can offer valuable context and insights for buyers, sellers, and investors. By understanding how Boise's market aligns with national trends, regional patterns, and the performance of similar-sized cities, market participants can better navigate the changing landscape and make informed decisions that take into account the broader market context.

Based on the additional context provided by and, let's delve deeper into the current trends and predictions for the Boise Metro Area housing market.

Home Price Growth and Market Conditions

The Boise Metro Area, which encompasses Ada, Boise, Canyon, Gem, and Owyhee counties in southwestern Idaho, is expected to see a modest home price growth of 1.9% from December 2022 to December 2023, according to latest forecast. Despite being a seller's real estate market, supply and demand dynamics can vary significantly from city to city and even within neighborhoods.

A. The Treasure Valley Housing Market

The Treasure Valley housing market, which includes Boise, Nampa, and Meridian, has experienced significant changes over the past year. Home prices have trended downward despite a rapidly shrinking supply of homes for sale. Median home prices in Ada County declined by 5.7%, and in Canyon County by 7% for the year ending December 2022. This marked the first time since 2010 that home prices ended the year lower than they started.

B. Impact of Interest Rates on Home Prices

A key factor contributing to the downward trend in home prices is the dramatic rise in interest rates. In January 2022, the average 30-year mortgage rate was just over 3%, but by the end of December, it had risen to 6.42%, representing the largest increase for any calendar year on record. This rise in interest rates shocked the system and put an end to the pandemic-driven housing boom, leading to a dip in home sales.

C. Inventory Levels and Demand

Despite the significant drop in demand during the latter half of the year, the supply of available properties declined even further, falling 40% in Ada County since August. The number of newly listed homes also plunged to multi-year lows in December, suggesting that demand may start to outpace supply.

D. Months' Supply of Homes for Sale

The current low inventory levels, with months' supply of homes for sale in Ada and Canyon County at 2.07 and 2.32 months respectively, are well below the 4 to 6 months of supply considered a balanced market. However, it is typical for inventory to reach its lowest point in January, so it will take several months to see how this trend plays out.

In conclusion, the Boise Metro Area housing market is undergoing significant shifts, with downward-trending home prices and low inventory levels. The rise in interest rates has had a considerable impact on the market, and it remains to be seen how these dynamics will evolve in the coming months. Buyers, sellers, and investors should closely monitor these trends and make informed decisions to navigate this changing market landscape.

Projections and Predictions for the Future

As we look ahead to the future of the Boise housing market, it's important to consider various factors that may influence the market's trajectory. Drawing on insights from and other sources, let's examine some predictions and trends that could shape the market in the coming months and years.

A. Builder Sentiment and Construction Costs

Builder sentiment may continue to weaken as we approach spring, driven by factors such as decreasing consumer sentiment and rising construction costs. This trend could result in less new development in the city, particularly in the single-family housing sector, further impacting the housing supply.

B. Permit Approvals and Housing Supply

Low single-family housing permit approvals point to a potential decline in new development, which could push the housing supply even lower. This decrease in supply might contribute to a tighter market, with potential implications for both buyers and sellers.

C. Unemployment Rates, Delinquencies, and Foreclosures

On a positive note, it's expected that unemployment rates, delinquencies, and foreclosures will likely remain low in the coming months. This stability in the job market and overall financial health of the community can help maintain a robust housing market, even amidst the cooling trend.

D. U.S. News Housing Market Index Projections

The U.S. News Housing Market Index predicts that the first five months of 2023 will see just under 2,121 single-family homes and under 1,572 multifamily housing units approved for production. Over the past year, single-family housing predictions have been higher than reported numbers; however, predictions were on the low side for multifamily housing. This discrepancy underscores the importance of monitoring both segments of the market to better understand their unique trends and potential impacts.

In conclusion, the future of the Boise housing market will likely be shaped by several factors, including builder sentiment, permit approvals, unemployment rates, and housing production trends. As the market continues to cool, it's essential for buyers, sellers, and investors to stay informed about these projections and predictions, allowing them to adapt their strategies and make well-informed decisions in a dynamic market environment.

Foreclosure, Inventory Increase and PRICE Drops, 2023 BOISE housing market forecast


As we wrap up our analysis of the Boise housing market and its cooling trend, it's essential to recognize the various factors at play. From interest rates and inventory levels to economic factors and comparisons to other cities, understanding these elements will help buyers, sellers, and investors make well-informed decisions in this dynamic market.

Despite the recent cooling trend, the Boise Metro Area still presents opportunities for those willing to adapt to the changing landscape. With modest home price growth expected over the next year and fluctuations in supply and demand, it's crucial for buyers, sellers, and investors to stay up to date with the latest trends and market indicators.

It's also important to remember that market conditions can vary significantly from one neighborhood to another, and even from city to city within the Boise Metro Area. Working closely with a knowledgeable real estate agent can help you navigate these nuances and find the best opportunities tailored to your specific needs and goals.

In the end, the Boise housing market's cooling trend is not necessarily a cause for alarm. Instead, it represents a natural market adjustment, providing new opportunities for buyers, sellers, and investors alike. By staying informed and adapting to the ever-changing market conditions, you can make the most of the Boise housing market's current state and its future prospects.

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